The eBay seller had bought the car in 1980 with a reproduction Shelby serial number tag.
I get a lot of e-mail from eBay sellers who see my name and ask me if I'm related to Lou.
The eBay sellers seem glad when something they sell goes to the Gehrig family.
What is more baffling is where some of the eBay seller are getting 200+ units to sell.
Once a law regulating eBay sellers takes hold in one state, other states are more likely to follow suit.
This is a must read for eBay sellers.
But doesn't this imply that if an eBay seller were to post a prospectus along with his sales offer he'd be in compliance?
The eBay sellers, who often describe the cards as collectibles, are identified by their screen name and e-mail address.
About 400 eBay sellers have signed an online petition against the new feedback system.
Due to its volume of business, the company has significant advantages over smaller eBay sellers.