There was an ear-splitting crack, and I caught my breath, and waited.
When the sun came up the next morning, it rose with what Graym heard as an ear-splitting crack.
In an instant the stillness of the night was shattered by the ear-splitting crack of A34's 120mm main gun.
The chair broke in several places, and the screen shattered with an ear-splitting crack.
The housing shattered and came away with ear-splitting cracks.
He'd just slapped in a magazine when he heard the ear-splitting crack of a Masadan firearm.
There was an ear-splitting crack, and Shelley jumped up and away as if he'd been stepped on.
"That wasn't so-" But the rest of his sentence was cut off by an ear-splitting crack.
I remember the ear-splitting crack of the first shot.
It reached the top of its trajectory, paused and then came the ear-splitting crack of a maroon signal.