Even in the best conceivable circumstances, few Israeli economists anticipate an immediate dividend from reduced military spending or increased trade.
The Government report showed that retail sales jumped 1.1 percent last month, an increase that was nearly twice as large as many economists had anticipated.
But very few economists or legislators anticipate such a performance.
The pattern of interest rates is a striking confirmation of what business executives and financial economists are anticipating.
But few economists or public officials anticipate any return to the gold-rush days.
While economists had anticipated just that kind of increase, it still is in a range that the Federal Reserve chairman recently described as "unwelcome."
The two economists anticipated the skeptics' questions.
Many economists had anticipated that unemployment would remain at the January level of 4.7 percent.
Most economists are anticipating that the figures should be fairly good.
One reason is that the economy next year and in 1990 is likely to be weaker than most economists anticipated until a month or two ago.