Some American economists challenge the idea of trade as a zero-sum game transaction.
The Government's job count assumes that small businesses create some 60,000 jobs a month - an assumption that some economists have challenged.
Many economists, however, challenge the view that Argentina's failure can be attributed to close adherence to the Washington Consensus.
But economists are increasingly challenging the orthodoxy.
But one outcome of the global financial turmoil is that some economists are challenging that way of thinking, at least as it applies to smaller and less-developed countries.
Many economists challenge the council's analysis and its view that the Federal Reserve was so much to blame for the turns in the economy last year.
In 1993, when then-Prime Minister Kim Campbell predicted that joblessness would remain in double digits throughout the decade, few economists challenged her.
Many feminist economists challenge the perception that only "objective" (often presumed to be quantitative) data are valid.
Many economists challenge Mr. Clayton's benign interpretation.
But many private economists challenge this scenario.