Some economists suspect that such a move has become less urgent because of signs that the economy is slowing a bit.
Some economists suspect that China's growth may be understated.
And many economists suspect that home prices are still likely to fall more steeply.
But many economists suspect that the dollar might not face much more decline, regardless of developments in interest rates and the economy.
But many economists suspect they also wanted to stiffen the will of the future European central bank to uphold a strong euro.
But other economists suspect that new forces are calming the old cycle.
Today, economists suspect that the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Many economists have long suspected that official government statistics here provided only a shadow of reality.
Japan could soon raise rates as well, many economists suspect, for the same reason Germany did - to prevent a rise in inflation.
Although the market has since rebounded, many economists suspect that the Russian economy is headed for a deep recession.