In terms economists use, the middle class is about 60 percent of the population.
Economists use the word "money" to mean very liquid assets which are held at any moment in time.
Economists use the report, along with other early indicators, to gauge the nation's economic activity.
That is the word economists use to describe products for which the demand does not fall when the price rises.
Some background: the unemployment rate is only one of several numbers economists use to assess the jobs picture.
However, most economists today use the term "inflation" to refer to a rise in the price level.
Another reason is a level of unemployment, 4.2 percent, that economists used to call unattainable.
Economists use several theories to explain what motivates people to save.
It would be too bad if economists used their considerable persuasive power to undermine the movement.
Economists use probability theory to make forecasts about consumer spending.