The editorial would advocate reparations for blacks in America in response to slavery.
These editorials opposed World War I, and advocated for the rights of poor children, the disabled, and Argentine Amerindians, among other traditionally disenfranchised groups.
However, the idea of a Commander in Chief did not go away and editorials in the Sunday Telegraph and the The Sydney Morning Herald advocated the appointment.
An editorial in the September 29, 2008 edition of The Denver Post advocated voting against the proposed amendment, noting that it would "help an exceptional cause - Colorado's under-funded community colleges - but it would do so at a cruel and unfortunate cost."
The Journal's editorials advocated what had to be called a Red position, but only in the most limited sense, in that they argued for the preservation of the primal landscape so that studies could be carried on without having to deal with gross contaminations.
To the Editor: On most days, your editorials advocate international cooperation and agreement, and at least once a week you call attention to the proper allocation of functions of our national government.