It covers issues such as traffic congestion; for example, a recent editorial called for the city to value walkers as much as drivers.
I have little doubt that you are preparing an editorial called "Drafting Doctors for the Poor."
The paper supported a number of progressive causes; its editorials called for an end to lynching, reform of child labor laws, and women's suffrage.
On 8 August, he published an editorial called "Should Chinese Work with White Girls?
Boston's victory in the first World Series provided what one editorial called "a psychological moment" that restored the city to national prominence.
She penned an anonymous editorial called "Son Muy Hombres(?)"
These editorials called, unsuccessfully, for the repeal of a costly New York boondoggle known as the Wicks Law.
Her first job after her hiatus was for Intrig Magazine in which she appeared in an editorial called "Sitter Sakert".
Acne Paper included him in an editorial called "The Guest List/The Party Crashers."
Our editorial called on the community to fight the Smith committee's ideology - which is becoming increasingly incorporated into the rhetoric of the political right.