But a skeptical editorial published with the study questioned whether it was as beneficial as the researchers suggested.
The editorials questioned the structure of the study and pointed out that although fewer Avandia patients have died, more had heart attacks than in the group taking other drugs, 43 to 37.
The Wall Street Journal's editorials have been questioning the patriotism of any professor who suggests we try to understand the motives of the attackers.
In Private Equity Online's weekly newsletter, an editorial questioned the wisdom of Ms. Nappier and Connecticut.
Titled "Jeyaretnam's Challenge", the editorial had questioned the "integrity and impartiality" of Singapore's judicial system.
On 21 September 2008, an editorial in The New Zealand Herald questioned the "moral courage and leadership" of Fonterra chief executive Andrew Ferrier.
Letters and editorials in local newspapers question their timing and integrity.
An editorial that accompanied the article questioned why doctors would continue to prescribe Avandia, which is known generically as rosiglitazone.
The editorial questioned whether Mr. McGivern's office believed "that the human body itself is obscene" and urged that the investigation be dropped.
An editorial in a state-run daily questioned why the diplomat was there in the first place and why the State Department had raised questions about the protesters being stopped.