The sombre red of the night-lighting cast an eerie gloom on the lift.
Once free from the eerie gloom of the Unformed Planes, Cethlenn discovered she was still alone and in control of the body.
Critics have described the album's sound as having "an eerie gloom about the music that harks back to the drug-fuelled experimental avant-gardism of the 70s", "unhinged" and "experimental", and with a "flowing and expansive folk-touched sound".
Performing Songwriter Magazine featured the album saying, "With an emotive delivery that at various points brings to mind Marianne Faithfull and Iris Dement under the spell of eerie gothic gloom, Stella Schindler makes a striking impression on Distant Hum"
The setting changes from the eerie gloom of the witches' haunt to a quiet, domestic scene in Macduff's castle.
An eerie gloom filled the cabin as the fire sputtered lower in the tin stove.
The Range Rover's lights swept into view, illuminating the torrents of rain, the unusually dark, almost eerie gloom.
Dasein put his eye to the bolt hole, peered out into an eerie red gloom.
The featureless, prefab building walls whispered it, reaching up into the eerie gloom of a sky just waiting to fall on us from fifty meters above.
The thick cloud cover blocked the moon and blanketed them in an eerie gloom.