What that means is that the material is usually worked into units during eighth-grade English and 10th-grade social studies classes.
"It's a good release of tension," said Ms. McBurney, who teaches eighth-grade English.
They respond to the programs, said Mike Grzelecki, who teaches eighth-grade English at Intermediate School 62 in the Kensington section of Brooklyn.
One of the rare breed of teachers who do know this is Nancie Atwell who taught eighth-grade English for 12 years in Boothbay, Me.
Her mother, Jan J. Ritch, teaches eighth-grade English at the Neptune Middle School in Kissimmee.
Ross M. Burkhardt, an eighth-grade English and social studies teacher, said faculty members had discussed the programs that should be sacrificed if revenue was drastically reduced.
She taught seventh- and eighth-grade English.
The bridegroom's mother teaches eighth-grade English at the Washington Irving Middle School in Springfield.
Mr. Lummis teaches eighth-grade English at Pollard Middle School in Needham, Mass.
Clemente was her first school out of college; she taught seventh- and eighth-grade English.