The show highlighted her successes in music, television, and film, featuring video clips from the 1960s onwards and an elaborate backdrop and stage set-up.
The elaborate backdrops and props of the French contingent contrasted with the bare stage the Americans used, dramatized by pools of light.
The 1990 American film Where the Heart Is featured several examples of models who were painted to blend into elaborate backdrops as trompe-l'œil.
They decorated the stage with elaborate backdrops and performed no slapstick whatsoever.
Everything else is an elaborate backdrop.
As songwriter, arranger and producer, Ms. O'Connor is finding her own ways to mix primal noise and elaborate backdrops.
He commissioned elaborate backdrops of skyscrapers and machines, and engaged an African American orchestra to premiere his A Jazz Symphony.
They mount full-scale theatrical shows for Canecao, playing generous two-hour sets with elaborate backdrops; big video screens flank the stage.
Gleaming, swagged, and valanced draperies formed an elaborate backdrop for the dais of the ball's god-ruler and his court.
Both feature sparse settings, eliminating the need for elaborate backdrops or scenery.