Apparently some Labour politicians think we're an electoral liability.
"In Israel, holding power is an electoral liability."
A by-product of Labour leaders' responsiveness to the new thinking may be that the party relieves itself of some commitments which have been electoral liabilities in the past.
Nobody knows whether one of the president's Democratic opponents will manage to turn the deadly drip of bloodshed in Iraq into an electoral liability.
By 1950, with the Cold War at its height, Steele's association with the communists was a crucial electoral liability.
For the past decade or so the party has been distancing itself from what was once called its "industrial wing" because it feared it had become an electoral liability.
Brown's "character" is normally perceived as an electoral liability.
But they voiced concern about the potential electoral liabilities of Mr. Kerry, a candidate who remains unknown in much of the country.
She had come to be seen as an electoral liability.