"I don't look at traffic," he admitted with an embarrassed chuckle.
Mrs. Connelly gave a slightly embarrassed chuckle.
There was an embarrassed chuckle from Dr. Ghoul.
A moment later, his face beamed with obvious relief and he gave a little embarrassed chuckle.
Ed's embarrassed little chuckle was alarmingly normal.
The small man, who had been busy with a futile attempt to reorder her hair, gave an embarrassed chuckle.
What began as an embarrassed chuckle ended with Cadderly sitting on the stone ledge, laughing at the very edge of hysteria.
He uttered a small, embarrassed chuckle, but Wyzer only nodded matter-of-factly.
For a moment he looked at Apokavkos more as a specimen than a man, but caught him- self with an embarrassed chuckle.
Well," Brim admitted with an embarrassed chuckle.