These are emotionally volatile and exceptionally confusing days for the teachers, principals and parents of Kansas's public school children.
The issue of child support remains an emotionally volatile one.
He became well known in the cycling community as an extraordinarily talented, but emotionally volatile rider.
Perhaps now was not the best time to have summarily yanked the ambassador away from his emotionally volatile Reman allies.
Donatra felt her patience with her emotionally volatile colleague beginning to wane.
The title role is emotionally volatile.
I consider that due in part to the effect that Mekrikuk appears to have on some of the more emotionally volatile refugees, sir.
Many adolescents are impulsive, easily distracted or emotionally volatile.
She was moving away from the emotionally volatile adolescent filled with weaknesses that Bernard Godwin recognized and exploited.
Yet, it is strange how high-fashion houses, seen as emotionally volatile places, seem so utterly the opposite these days.