In areas of Chaoui, tribal leaders enact sanctions against criminals.
Congress tried last year to enact mandatory sanctions against foreign companies that provide chemical weapons but failed in the face of opposition from the Reagan Administration.
At the same time it would be unreasonable and probably counterproductive to enact additional sanctions, as some members of Congress propose.
According to the Covenant, the League should have responded by enacting economic sanctions or declaring war; it did neither.
March 20 - The United States enacts economic sanctions against Iran.
Four men on board were killed, leading the Clinton Administration to enact tough new sanctions against Cuba.
The African Union can enact sanctions if Madagascar does not restore constitutional order within six months.
The North Koreans have previously warned that any attempt to enact sanctions will be seen as an act of war.
The Security Council enacted economic sanctions against Iraq without a dissenting vote.
And they have given a lift to an effort under way in Congress to enact economic sanctions against the Southeast Asian nation.