It was in Alabama that she first encountered racism.
A1 Blacks frequently encounter racism in shops and businesses, revealing, they say, that segregation's legacy persists.
They moved to Walnut Creek in the 1950s, where their children attended better public schools but the family encountered considerable racism.
As more blacks moved north, they encountered racism where they had to battle over territory, often against ethnic Irish, who were defending their power base.
Now, foreign students say, they encounter hostility and racism on the streets from police officers and average citizens.
I have encountered racism all of my life; racism is an accepted fact.
Mr. Jones himself, however, has repeatedly said he did not encounter racism in the squadron.
He encountered racism in the extreme competition of the rough mining camps.
As a new judge, Higginbotham still encountered racism.
I knew you'd encounter racism and sexism, and maybe, in some ways, that's a good thing.