Now, 90 duplex town houses are being proposed for the site, although those plans are encountering roadblocks.
In central Africa, he encounters roadblocks made of the freshly dead, the most convenient, ready-to-hand materials.
The idea encountered various roadblocks over the years, including where it would go and who would be commissioned to create it.
She encountered legal roadblocks, however, in settling her husband's affairs because women were not allowed to own or inherit property.
Travelers outside the limits of Malabo and Bata may encounter occasional military roadblocks.
While women are increasingly ascending into leadership positions of legislatures, they still encounter roadblocks.
Since it began its effort to expand, the exchange has encountered repeated roadblocks.
Along the way Ms. Lang has encountered roadblocks.
A down-on-her-luck would-be singer keeps encountering roadblocks on her way to stardom.
There is some evidence the Iranians have encountered technological roadblocks.