While he desired a tax code that would preclude the need for the state to borrow money, he encouraged legislators to keep taxes as low as possible.
He then encouraged prominent legislators to watch videotapes of entire matches.
Initially, maximizers will encourage other legislators to have the same selfish behavior because significant gains can be accrued in the short run.
That is expected to provide welcome revenue to the area and the state, and industry analysts believe it will encourage legislators in nearby states to rethink their longstanding opposition to legalized wagering.
Anger was encouraged, so now, legislators, you reap what you have sown.
In her State of the State address, Ms. Whitman encouraged legislators to speed their efforts on school construction.
A Retirement Package The legislature also approved a bill that offers payments of the equivalent of $143,000 to encourage elderly legislators to retire.
Mr. Lovaas called this year's election a watershed for these sorts of issues and said he hoped strong support at the ballot box would encourage legislators in other states to take steps to control growth.
State action would help freshen the air and encourage legislators in Washington to adopt a more comprehensive policy.
It has also, he contends, encouraged legislators to forge educational policy based largely on misinterpretation and hyperbole.