I hope I haven't converted a cosmetic concern to an environmental worry.
But in the current political climate, economic concerns trump most environmental worries.
In Maine, electric bills counted more than environmental worries, defeating a plan to shut down the Maine Yankee nuclear plant next year.
In the longer term, environmental worries may also upset the market.
Still, the environmental worries are so large that many say it is doubtful the trade negotiators will get their way.
For some of those who stay, there are new environmental worries compounding the old economic ones.
There were environmental worries that the laser scanners in the bar-code readers might damage people's eyes.
Then there are health and environmental worries.
It had no more backup than it had for many of its counterclaims to other environmental worries.
And the rally could almost have commissioned the B-52's, whose latest songs - especially "Roam," about enjoying the wilderness - gamely, campily grin through environmental worries.