The action has prompted environmentalists and some Democrats to condemn what they called a White House effort to promote logging in the name of fire prevention.
But after published reports today on the general thrust of the decision, environmentalists and some Democrats quickly condemned what they called a White House effort to promote rejuvenated logging in the name of fire prevention.
As Culver concludes, "While environmentalists might condemn desert modern, the masses would not.
No one has claimed responsibility for the fires, which environmentalists condemned.
And it is no stranger to controversy: environmentalists condemn its coal-fired power plants and hydroelectric dams; human rights activists condemn its purchase of natural gas piped in from Myanmar.
Many environmentalists condemn the process of "shark finning."
And many businesspeople throughout the region have applauded their delegation's efforts as loudly as environmentalists have condemned them, noting that the cruise industry has been crucial to the state's economy.
There is substantial debate within the environmental movement as to the acceptability of these tactics, but almost all environmentalists condemn violent actions that can harm humans.
More than 100 leaders gathered in Johannesburg to produce the plan, which environmentalists condemned as weak.
However, some environmentalists condemned this campaign as a "greenwashing" attempt to use environmentalist rhetoric to disguise what they call "the inherently environmentally unsustainable nature of coal-fired power generation".