Whether they can reach agreement is uncertain, but environmentalists predict catastrophe for the oil companies if no agreement is reached, and to some extent, the oil companies agree.
As opponents trained in community organizing become involved in local disputes, environmentalists predict that the familiar "not in my back yard" reaction will harden.
Scientists and environmentalists predict that burgeoning human population and development will push many more species to the brink of extinction or over it.
Ten years ago, Dr. Mahoney recalled, some environmentalists predicted that within a decade, acid rain would increase by tenfold the acidity of thousands of lakes in the United States.
With the proposed changes, environmentalists predict disaster.
Even environmentalists who oppose the nomination predicted that Mr. Leavitt would be confirmed.
One environmentalist predicted that the cleanup would expose additional contamination.
Not even the most ardent environmentalist could have predicted such wholesale recycling.
Many environmentalists have predicted looming environmental catastrophes including climate change, rise in sea levels, irreversible pollution, and an impending collapse of ecosystems, including those of rainforests and ocean reefs.
The environmentalists there predicted an end to energy shortages if the rest of America would just emulate the conservation and alternative-energy measures being practiced in their favorite state: California.