Most environmentalists supported a tunnel as a more environmentally sensitive alternative to the Martini Creek Bypass.
While many environmentalists support the technology, some say in terms of emissions, electric cars would only be as good as the power plants that produce electricity.
Will the environmentalists support construction of fossil fuel or nuclear power plants?
This is a defensible policy argument, and one that many environmentalists would support.
But commercial fishermen, environmentalists, some local governments and many private boaters support the proposed restrictions.
Now, environmentalists should support the package as well.
In addition, environmentalists have supported the retention of cycle rickshaws as a non-polluting and inexpensive mode of transport.
Mr. Gore's actions could well affect how enthusiastically environmentalists support his Presidential effort in 2000.
Yet another political aspect of the milk compact is the fact that environmentalists support it because it assures the continued existence of small dairy farms.
The environmentalists support the withdrawal of the weapons, which had been concealed for 20 years in the Clausen area.