We've seen fire after fire because environmentalists want to wall off the national forests.
Until now, the market has been seen as a powerful adversary, and environmentalists have wanted to block it at every turn.
But while unions and environmentalists want rules written into the agreement, corporate America argues that open trade will force reform.
The environmentalists have filed suits of their own and want a major say in how the litigation proceeds.
Those environmentalists always want to dig dangerous wells miles below sea level!
But there is much more to Congress's unwillingness to move in the direction the environmentalists want.
Some environmentalists want to return it to a pristine state as a wildlife refuge.
While environmentalists want to see the cut reduced by 50 percent, Congress is moving toward a level of 3.1 billion.
Others said bottle-deposit laws do not have quite the impact environmentalists want.
Instead environmentalists just want governments to regulate some (not all) aspects of what businesses do.