The problem facing Ellerbee at that moment was, for him, equally distressing, though not nearly as hazardous.
Now comes Time magazine with an equally distressing commentary.
Worf's mental image was instantly replaced by an equally distressing one of Odo turning into a riding animal for small children.
Equally distressing to Henning was the low quality of some of the copies.
This time he has tried to do the reverse, with equally distressing results.
Equally distressing, there were no checks inside the Israeli Government to prevent this fiasco.
Equally distressing, Ms. Faludi again misrepresents her own sources.
Equally distressing is the news that minority enrollment is also dropping at some of the City University's most prestigious campuses.
Equally distressing is Bonn's failure to revise an outdated naturalization law rooted in ethnicity.
The thought that he had taken her blood was equally distressing.