The wide availability of the Model T made their component parts equally widespread.
Grinding poverty is equally widespread in China, although we see and hear little about it.
It is equally widespread in both kingdoms.
Equally widespread is a warrior ethos.
The album's success was equally widespread, and after extensive radio play of the single overseas, the label released it globally during the summer.
The reluctance to undertake serious study is equally widespread, but is significant in this area to provide a challenge to all those concerned with promoting adult education'.
According to an equally widespread belief, the late '60s and early '70s were also a time when tenure became far more elusive.
Equally widespread is the wooing of voters with generous subsidies for basic foodstuffs, a practice known as "tortilla bonds."
Ignorance of the major religions of the region was equally widespread, and ignorance of the relevant languages so complete that our intelligence efforts were damaged.
There is an equally widespread misconception that organized crime is essentially committed by organizations which do not share our nationality but come from abroad.