But the Pacific yew grows very slowly, and some environmentalists worried that heavy orders for taxol might eventually deplete the tree.
Unions collective bargaining with elective officials will eventually deplete a state's coffers to the point where there is nothing left to drain.
In contrast, the feedstocks for polymers derived from petrochemicals will eventually deplete.
This led to the degradation of the ruling class and wasteful spending by corrupt individuals which eventually depleted the empire's coffer.
This suggests that the administration's money-for-nothing financial policy will eventually deplete its political capital.
Repeated smoking eventually depletes the brain's dopamine supply.
In a potted environment, soil nutrients can eventually deplete.
And because they have bigger appetites, they could eventually deplete the rivers' resources, leaving them empty of salmon of any description.
On the other hand, repeated cracking would eventually deplete the healing agent, and the material is more complicated to manufacture.
Overharvesting would eventually deplete the remaining oyster population in the bay to just 1% of its historical amount, where it stands today.