Troops stationed in Scotland under the command of George Monck eventually marched on London to restore order.
Among them was Mr. Paltiel, who marched to the Danish border and eventually made his way back to Trondheim alone.
He mapped out an alternative strategy: neutral until the end of the war, Romania would eventually march its troops into Bessarabia, with Austrian acquiescence.
Not meeting any resistance they marched further and eventually attacked Paris.
Mr. Lewis was beaten unconscious by a trooper and suffered a skull fracture but lived to march again and eventually become a congressman from Georgia.
After Yorktown, the French troops marched north again eventually ending in Boston, Massachusetts.
Fast-forwarding a few years, the boy is older and is marching first as a teenage Hitler youth and then eventually as a soldier.
Naresuan eventually marched his troops to Pegu in 1595.
He appealed to the mob, which turned out in his support and eventually marched on the Senate, threatening to kill Sulla.