The exact mix of currencies and the different interst rate that applies to each currency will be announced at the time of sale.
But determining the exact mix of these different investments, a technique called asset allocation, can be a difficult task in today's unsettled times.
The exact mix of weapons on each submarine is unknown as is the numbers and warhead yield.
No one has ever been sure of the exact mix.
The exact mix of triggers is different for every person with lupus.
The staircase will be removed and replaced in kind, using stucco with the exact mix of broken tile that Atterbury originally used.
The $530 million purchase price will be borrowed through a combination of short- and long-term debt, he said, but the exact mix has not been determined yet.
The exact mix required for the complex dance of quid pro quo the director of the Mall was required to perform.
Warhead stocks down to forty per cent; remanufacturing from first principles would take four to seven hours, depending on the exact mix it chose.
There are usually separate adjustment controls for determining the exact mix of the three components.