Also the amide analogs exhibited higher affinity than hydrazide analogs.
Even after the empire's collapse, the corresponding countries continue to exhibit cultural and political affinity, expressed in the existence of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, created in 1996.
Since the beginning of his education he exhibited affinity to writing, He started writing songs at the early age of 9 years.
This peptide sequence exhibits intrinsic affinity towards Strep-Tactin, a specifically engineered streptavidin and can be N- or C- terminally fused to recombinant proteins.
Most neonicotinoids, such as imidacloprid, show low affinity for mammalian nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) while exhibiting high affinity for insect nAChRs.
It is a low molecular weight, synthetic compound exhibiting high affinity for sigma-1 receptors at nanomolar levels and moderate affinity for sigma-2 receptors and sodium channels at micromolar levels.
It has multiple isoforms, including CD44H, which exhibits high affinity for hyaluronate, and CD44V which has metastatic properties.
Sometimes the tail-end of a sequence exhibiting sequential affinity, can be seen also to be part of a localised example of integral affinity.
All-amine cryptands exhibit particularly high affinity for alkali metal cations, which has allowed the isolation of salts of K.
Spiders exhibit remarkable affinity with those found in the southwestern coast of Indian mainland and Sri Lanka.