He frequently exhibited before art societies, and lived for many years in an artist's studio apartment.
It would have seemed prescient to exhibit him before the onslaught of 90's installation art.
As the girls leave, Izumi's mother tells them that her husband also exhibited the same behavior before his death.
The museum also exhibits a kitchen and living room in the style of the period before the Mexican revolution.
He exhibited a canvas every year at the Salon, up to a few years before his death.
Perhaps it was the instinct in the male to exhibit his prowess before the female.
Others claim some of these paintings were removed from the studio and exhibited before de Kooning was finished with them.
The bride could exhibit a bloody sheet before a webcam and all.
He continued to exhibit until a few years before his death in 2008.
It was first exhibited on the 1st September 1838 before completion.