Compared to adults, adolescents exposed to alcohol are more likely to exhibit cognitive deficits (including learning and memory dysfunction).
Some children exhibit relatively minor deficits, while others have significant deficits and disabilities.
These patients are unaware that they exhibit deficits of perception, attention, mental imagery, and movements within the neglected hemifield.
The patient is likely to exhibit permanent deficits in memory and cognitive function, and the patient is unlikely to to able to return to work.
It is shown, however, that "children with autism exhibit significant deficits in imitation that are associated with impairments in other social communication skills."
Children with autism exhibit significant deficits in imitation that are associated with impairments in other social communication skills.
His primary goal is to teach them punctuality and reliability, two areas where they exhibit "particular deficits," he said.
They also exhibit other deficits that point to [frontal lobe] dysfunction.
He exhibits neurobehavioral and emotional deficits that make him susceptible to this, but are by no means predictive of it.
Monkeys placed in isolation exhibited social deficits when introduced or re-introduced into a peer group.