Computer simulations show that the fusion front proceeds as a series of turbulent, expanding "bubbles" that exhibit Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
Besides experiencing heavy buffeting, the Voodoo also exhibited instability along the roll and yaw axes when carrying the Model 96 store.
But you and I agreed that Lore had been acting strangely recently, exhibiting emotional instability and increasing degrees of aggression.
On the cellular level, cells of affected individuals exhibit chromosomal abnormalities, genomic instability, and sensitivity to mutagens.
Both the dynamic behaviors are important and a particular microtubule may exhibit primarily dynamic instability, treadmilling or a mixture of both.
Ivins had allegedly expressed homicidal thoughts and exhibited mental instability before and after the attacks occurred.
Further, it polymerizes bidirectionally and it exhibits dynamic instability, which are both behaviors characteristic of tubulin polymerization.
Compared to a stable A section, the B section exhibits instability in many ways.
The more he relies on these strategies, the more his behavior exhibits wild and erratic swings and general instability.
While this configuration afforded excellent maneuverability it also exhibited natural instability in flight.