Other exhibits provide crash courses on energy and water conservation or show what the Toronto harbor would be like with all the water drained out.
One exhibit at Roth Horowitz provides a glimmer of what these photographs might mean for the future.
The various exhibits also provide an alternative visitor experience for those who did not schedule a tour.
Conceivably, Rankin felt the exhibits would provide factual support for his position, were there any scientific points in dispute.
The exhibit, overhearing him, obligingly provided an animated demonstration.
One of the most fascinating aspects of this small but informative museum is the insight the exhibits and 20-minute video provide on Nightingale's personal life.
The exhibits provide an adequate understanding of the events of that time.
This exhibit provides information about the historic forms of farming used by heath farmers around 1850.
These online exhibits provide context and additional information about this collection.
The exhibits provide rare opportunities to try violins by master makers of our time in one location.