Going east, drivers must exit before the arch, and then have to travel two miles to reach it.
It seems to show that two grown men could enter with ease (unless the first exited before the second entered).
He was on the 61st floor of the Morgan Stanley office, and managed to exit the tower before its collapse.
Economists and currency experts were even starting to talk about Greece exiting the euro club before the end of the year.
Estimates of the exodus range from a few people to up to 100 exiting before curtain.
The boat would then exit the netted area through another tunnel about 100 feet before the end of the ride.
So how is it that larger molecules exit the column before smaller molecules?
He listened to the group leader talk about exiting the highway of domestic violence before you murder your spouse.
At JFK, we were allowed to exit before everyone else.
Vehicles carrying these materials must exit before the tunnel and take other roads around the tunnel.