The Health Caucus is committed to advancing reforms that reduce costs, increase patient control, expand choice, and promote cures.
But one year later, there is widespread agreement that the new plan has yet to expand choice much beyond its old limits.
Homes for the Target Generation PREFAB designs often cost as much as custom houses, but they do expand choice within a given budget.
"This does not expand choice to more families," said Luis Huerta, a co-author of the report.
Other points in Mr. Bush's favor with the right are his opposition to new taxes and his calls to expand parental choice in education and in day care.
One of them, favoured by the British government, is the use of aid to expand choice and competition in education through vouchers and support for low-fee private providers.
My bill will expand choice, and will increase incentives to compete by price and quality to those offering insurance coverage.
Compassion & Choices is a non-profit organization that supports, advocates, and educates people about health care options that can expand choice at the end of life.
The DA's economic policy therefore advocates a mixed-economy approach, where the state is involved in the economy only to the extent that it can expand opportunity and choice.
The policies set out in the Gracious Speech will expand opportunity, choice and quality in our nation's education and training.