New laws make it more difficult to acquire residency papers and easier for the authorities to expel undocumented or unwanted foreigners.
Mexico refuses to surrender the right of its presidents to expel unwanted foreigners.
But the high court upheld Philippine President Fidel Ramos' authority to expel foreigners in the name of national interest.
However, the high court upheld Ramos' authority to expel foreigners in the interest of national security.
Others say violence is bad, but they support expelling foreigners by legal means.
Autarky also involved expelling foreigners and restricting visits by foreigners to three days, and after 1972, one week.
In 1969, Ghana expelled foreigners who were mostly Nigerians.
Jefferson and others imagined a tempestuous John Adams expelling foreigners by the shipload.
Pulithevar is regarded as the first ruler in Indian history, who sowed the seed, by his gallant resistance, to expel foreigners from his native land.
He wanted to expel foreigners completely from China.