Its very limited autonomy and expensive batteries resulted in it being a commercial failure.
The payback period may be longer for plug-in hybrids, because of their larger, more expensive batteries.
Using a fancy, very expensive battery, you'll drop it to 500 pounds per gallon.
The main goal of the project is to prove that a light electric vehicle can have an acceptable range without requiring heavy and expensive batteries.
Combined with the compact size of many mobile devices, this often means unusually expensive batteries must be used to obtain the necessary battery life.
Finally these expensive (in environmental terms) batteries move the car a few km before needing more charging.
Electric cars have expensive batteries that must be replaced but otherwise incur very low maintenance costs, particularly in the case of current lithium-based designs.
Officers run command-post drills outside their office windows and pretend to be in the field to avoid using expensive batteries.
The tracks provide power, so that the vehicles have no heavy, expensive batteries.
And driving them over longer distances also means more expensive batteries.