But then his alter ego explained why he believed that his plan would work, despite- perhaps even because of- Korax's final destructive act.
I know nothing about your family which could explain Sebastian's act, and I admit I have given it some thought myself and come to no conclusion at all.
Teehalt explained his act in the next breath.
According to Zosimus, Julian had given Procopius an imperial robe, explaining his act only to him.
"Okay, Dirk, suppose you explain your little act."
She remembered the honest amaze and shame and contrition with which be had faced her, trying awkwardly to explain his bold act.
Mr. Schnurman explained his provocative act as an effort to "get public reaction and stimulate interest in sale and distribution."
In it, he attempted to explain his extreme act of self-censorship in excluding the dramatic poem "Empedocles on Etna".
Jamil al-Rahman was forced to flee to Pakistan, where he was assassinated on August 30, 1991 by an Egyptian gunman who immediately committed suicide without explaining his act.
It's a point of view that superficially explains Hannah's act of self-destruction, but it reads like "Paradise" does: philosophically in error, creatively incomplete.