I came to believe that only through such struggle - a true jihad - could Pakistan address the core issues that the fundamentalists use to manipulate people and exploit ignorance.
Consequently, the Principal cannot exploit ignorance to advantage by instructing the Agent to withhold key information, or by appointing an Agent known to be secretive.
Molotov went on, "Your earlier remark indicated that you hoped to exploit Soviet ignorance of these explosive-metal bombs.
Egotism may be fulfilled by exploiting the sympathy, irrationality or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and/or fraud.
The greenies are exploiting this fear and ignorance for political gain.
Communist hard-liners know all too well how to exploit such ignorance.
Con artists have long exploited fear, ignorance, and desperation to strip dying people of their money, comfort, and dignity.
These meme systems exploit human ignorance and vulnerability.
Incidentally, repression is a godsend to illicit businesses which exploit ignorance and social weakness.
And to multiply the doctors who exploit ignorance and pile up hundreds of thousands for themselves, there is no need to be a good and talented man.