Let me close, however, by expressing my fury at Germany's attitude.
And to a remarkable degree in this police state, they are willing to express their fury to anyone who will listen.
Many educators are expressing frustration, if not outright fury, after more than two years without a raise.
She broke off, panting with anger, searching for words sharp enough to express her fury.
He paused, waiting for her to rebound, to express her fury at being used.
Cleatus couldn't think of an oath powerful enough to express his terrified fury.
She expressed her fury in ways she would regret.
After loudly expressing their outrage and their fury, they departed.
The teasers are emotional versions of the members expressing sadness or fury after a girl break up with them and says "I'm sorry".
In some cases, the rulings expressed fury or amazement that a court would jeopardize the tool.