And, he has told the industry that it had better start taking a growing environmental threat more seriously, saying that airlines will probably face increased taxation if they do not.
But they will face Federal corporate taxation unless the business meets the rigorous requirements for an S corporation: no more than 35 partners, no foreign partners and only one class of stock.
Now lots of income faces double taxation, in the sense that the same dollar gets taxed more than once along the way.
They now face harsh taxation and are recruited to fight in battlefields far removed from their homeland.
In the sixth form college where I teach I see bright, hardworking and decent young people unable to get work and facing massive debts/marginal taxation to pay for their education.
This was a difficult time for Cyclax, as it was for many British cosmetic companies who faced heavy taxation and increased competition from American firms like Max Factor and Revlon.
But Softbank faces double taxation if it repatriates that money to Japan, where it has fewer investments that can easily be turned into cash.
Without coordination among countries, that could lead to employees paying no tax or facing double taxation depending on which countries they were living in when the options were issued or exercised.
Dividends are taxable to investors as ordinary income but are not deductible from corporate income, and thus face double taxation.
Under Catherine the Great in 1762, the Russian peasants and Cossacks once again faced increased taxation, heavy military conscription, and grain shortages that had characterized the land before Razin's rebellion.