However, The Shadow could see no purpose in watching a mere picture, once having absorbed its facial details for future reference.
As the Favorite, his handsome villain turned into a crushed castoff, with every facial detail and movement made significant.
Another hypothesis is that each race pays attention to certain facial details to differentiate between faces.
This allowed for facial details to be visible even while having a darkened atmosphere.
Individual facial details to give the mask a personality are added with stiff cardboard, paper or painting; one mold makes many different faces.
In the cold light of morning there would be no shadows to hide the awful facial details.
The player first starts off by creating a custom gladiator, choosing either male or female, body size, skin color, and facial details.
Also, oil colors dry more slowly, allowing the artist to make changes readily, such as altering facial details.
To simplify that problem, the new system ignores virtually all facial detail except for the relative distances between several key points.
The painting technique exposing every facial detail and fold of clothing makes them even more compelling.