Tenured faculty are getting fewer grants and publishing less in professional journals than before, the report said.
The faculty in the program must publish two papers per year.
Since 2002, the faculty has published 48 new books, 45 chapters, and over 150 journal articles.
The faculty published a journal called the Ostraka for many years.
Each year, the faculty members publish approximately eighty academic papers.
Ten different faculty (more than one third of full-time faculty) have published in a Top 25 law review (22 articles) from 2004 to 2009.
Annually, the faculty publish more than 100 teaching aids, books and monographs.
In addition, faculty of the university has published 26 books in 2009, 2010 and 2011 only.
In 1547 the faculty published a new version of the Vulgate, which was submitted to better revisions.
Over the past four years, the faculty has published: