There are impassably wide rivers, flaming mountains, a kingdom with an all-female population, a lair of seductive spider spirits, and many other fantastic scenarios.
A year later a pilot was made with Mr. Shatner, who was chosen because his assertiveness made the fantastic scenarios seem more credible.
She developed a fantastic scenario that could in no way account for the injuries Jayla suffered.
She had said nothing while Le Coq had berated her, described fantastic scenarios, stomped around the room like 1 a child.
Saramago uses for his works fantastic scenarios.
Saramago's novels often deal with fantastic scenarios.
He would escape his prison-like room at the asylum by dreaming himself into fantastic scenarios based on science-fiction or fantasy where he was an aggressive, cynical and sarcastic personality.
He's already setting up a fantastic scenario in Book No. 2.
Fausto spends his final days in a number of fantastic scenarios that suggest magic realism.
Thomas knew what the man was thinking: Rile was wondering if there was any truth to this fantastic scenario.