The Clinton Administration has demonstrated that preventing the spread of nuclear weapons is a top priority and has been clear in its aim to eliminate stockpiles of separated plutonium and to oppose their further buildup.
American diplomats and military officers here were unwilling to describe what kind of further buildup was being contemplated.
In an apparent further buildup of forces today, a column of nearly 100 Russian tanks moved along the road toward Grozny from the west, then turned off, apparently to reinforce Russian positions to the north.
But the new design would go far beyond existing technologies, extracting nonpolluting hydrogen to generate electricity or to power fuel cells and pumping the carbon dioxide deep into the earth to avoid further buildup of the gas in the atmosphere.
He indicated, for the first time, that present plans called for no further buildup in American troop strength.
When President Bush made the announcement last week about the further buildup in the gulf, a reporter asked him: "Do you feel that you are free to take offensive action without any kind of U.N. resolution authorizing it?"
But the importance of the troops' deployment lies less in their numbers than in their presence, which represents a further buildup of American forces in the region.
Mr. Gorbachev's stated willingness to cut back his armed forces can only make it more difficult for Mr. Bush to demand, much less win, a further buildup.
However, we need to drain this capacitor, and will therefore need to fire our forward phasers to prevent a further buildup.
Because of Diesel's injury, this storyline never got any further buildup until the actual pay-per-view.