The entire program is repeated until all rockets have impacted and no further launches are detected.
After the full complement was achieved in December 1995, there were no further launches until December 1999.
For further launches of Saturn-1 series vehicles, see the Saturn IB page.
And a hit by only one in the right place could cripple the aircraft carrier and make further launch and recovery operations impossible.
All further launches for Endeavour became International Space Station missions.
On 25 October 1967 a further launch took place from Biscarosse, which failed however.
A further Viking launch was conducted in May 1957, and the Vanguard made its maiden flight from the complex in September.
The last orbital launch from San Marco was on 25 March 1988 by US Scout G-1 and there are no further launches scheduled.
The second and final orbital launch from Omelek was performed on 14 July 2009 by another Falcon 1 and there are no further launches scheduled.
First quarter of 1993 - further launch of Trade and Europe matters.