Weakened demand for coal caused further layoffs and mine shutdowns.
Although no further layoffs are planned in Singapore, the company said it was reviewing all its operations.
Although the company cut 2,000 jobs in July, Mr. Brown said that he did not see the need for further layoffs because of the downturn.
Mr. Martin said that he did not expect any further layoffs in Minneapolis at this time.
Forecasts of further layoffs continue to sweep through downtown's winding, narrow streets.
A depression in the industry, followed by another speedup, led to further layoffs.
An Eastern spokesman, Jim Ashlock, said the cuts were part of a sweeping budget review that could mean further layoffs.
The factory recently landed orders from Mexico and Kazakhstan, ending the threat of further layoffs, he said.
The move will result in the immediate layoff of 170 workers and is expected to result in further layoffs.
The company previously warned that declining orders for jetliners would lead to further layoffs.