Other times, his lies lead to fatal misunderstandings.
The theory itself, meanwhile, has been criticised for a fatal misunderstanding of the nature of salons.
At the time, he was fleeing what he describes as a potentially fatal misunderstanding over gambling with the local Mafia back in his hometown, Elizabeth, N.J.
Indu notices the kamarbandh and confesses to stealing it, they both understand the fatal misunderstanding and Langda as its root cause.
Of course, if their Latin was as bad as mine, this must have led to many fatal misunderstandings.
In his understanding of Spirituality, Weston has come to the fatal misunderstanding that God and the Devil are one, and calls God and the Devil into him.
If I don't even have time to discuss my plans with them before they have to go into action, the chance of fatal misunderstandings increases astronomically.
It is a tale of oppression, fatal misunderstanding between friends, love thwarted by social and familial barriers: naive and filled with the dramatic confrontations on which the idiom thrived.
The fact that Ulstrup's order was given orally led to a fatal misunderstanding.
While, in theory, this was a simple diplomatic mission, in her experience, going in with intel as spotty as what they currently had on the Orishans could lead to some potentially fatal misunderstandings.