Due to sickness, fatal for Tuckey and others, the expedition was forced to return from this point.
Unable to find meaning in their own lives, some people seek it through the drama of the fatal sicknesses of others.
And a fatal affliction.the sickness that caused him to kill.
He hides a fatal sickness, but overworks himself.
And of course, everyone would have known that the Master was ill, so this final, fatal "sickness" would come as no surprise.
If new and white, success where failure is feared, and a fatal sickness will be avoided through unseen agencies.
To see them slaughtering cattle and much blood, you may expect long and fatal sickness in your family.
And undoubtedly your men were suf- fering from a fatal sickness of the soul.
For they forced on us their fatal sickness, trying to discover some cure.
This fatal sickness finally killed him on May 27th, 1964.